Debunking 6 Common Misconceptions About Epoxy Flooring

There are various types of flooring being installed in commercial and industrial spaces today, which typically include carpet, timber, laminate, vinyl, and tile flooring, among others. However, have you ever thought about factories, hospitals, and manufacturing plants? What is the ideal flooring type suited for these places?

When it comes to industrial settings, you can never go wrong with epoxy flooring. For the uninitiated, it is a type of synthetic resin laid on top of concrete substrates for protection and aesthetic purposes. Several layers of thermosetting resin are then coated, poured, and applied on the concrete, leaving an ideal floor for an industrial setting.

The problem is that a few misconceptions are circulating around about the use of this flooring type. If you are thinking about getting epoxy flooring for your establishment, here are six myths that we will debunk:

Myth 1: It is only used for new concrete flooring

Some people usually assume that it is only exclusively for newly installed flooring. The truth is that it can be applied to both new and existing floors. Installation is possible even before and after construction!

Myth 2: It doesn’t require professional installation

Sure, the DIY approach for epoxy is possible. Yet, you might compromise its quality, durability, and aesthetics if you do not follow the right steps. The thing is, it needs experience and expertise as well as the right materials and proper equipment to get the job done effectively. For this reason, it’s best to leave it to the experts instead.

Myth 3: It must be regularly applied

Some people think that once applied, it needs to be reinstalled every now and then because they think that it is easily and quickly subject to wear and tear. The truth is that it can actually last for many years. In fact, its average life expectancy ranges from 10 to 15 years due to its quality material composition.

Myth 4: It is as good as the paint

If you have ever thought that epoxy flooring is as good as paint, you may want to reconsider. While paint does offer a little flooring protection, epoxy binds to a concrete surface and forms a durable resin coating. As a result, it provides an added layer of protection to your floor against damages brought by constant and heavy traffic.

Myth 5: It doesn’t look good at all

Epoxy flooring is indeed visually appealing in that it can even kick your floor up a notch. What’s also good about this option is that it can be customized for your needs, meaning that you can choose certain colors, patterns, and designs suited to your floor. 

Myth 6: It is costly

Some people tend to cross their brows, thinking that epoxy is a bit costly. However, just think about it as an investment, which will help you save up in the long run. With its high durability and minimal upkeep, it is ultimately worth paying for, and it can even pay itself back!


At this point, we’ve debunked six common misconceptions about epoxy flooring. The truth is that it is used for both new and existing concrete flooring, requires professional installation, can be applied once, is better than paint, looks visually appealing, and is affordable. With all its valuable benefits, from its functionality to aesthetic value, you have all the right reasons to invest in and install epoxy flooring for your industrial space!

Are you looking to install epoxy flooring for your facility? You’ve come to the right place! We provide polished concrete services in Phoenix, AZ, with quality services from industry experts. Get in touch with us today to see how we can help!

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